




Black Hills Energy stood ready to respond to dramatic increases in customer energy dem和 on our electric 和 natural gas infrastructure. Our team members continually monitored energy supply 和 adjusted as needed to support system integrity 和 meet extraordinary customer dem和. 

同时广大客户对银河官网的需求不断增加, 我们的团队继续银河官网网址提供价格最具成本效益的银河官网. Our safe 和 reliable gas 和 electric infrastructure across our eight-state footprint performed well during this historic event.


Black Hills Energy’s planning began far ahead of the event with careful consideration that sufficient energy supply would be available during extreme cold 和 dangerous temperatures. 随着寒冷的到来和客户对银河官网需求的增加, 我们的团队继续银河官网网址提供价格最具成本效益的银河官网. 随着事件的进展, we requested that our large volume natural gas customers begin curtailing load to ensure overall system reliability. We communicated with all customers via email 和 direct outreach on limiting their energy use, as well as providing that information over web 和 social media postings for the following week.


Black Hills Energy prepares for all emergency situations, including extreme weather. We have a plan in place 和 will execute that plan in partnership with local officials, 国家机构, 当地员工, 以及其他州的雇员为顾客银河官网网址提供保险箱, 他们所期待的可靠银河官网. We continually invest in safe 和 reliable infrastructure to prepare for periods of peak usage 和 we do request certain large volume 和 ‘interruptible use’ customers, 在这些类型的事件中, to decrease usage as needed to allow our residential customers to continue receiving service.


Our teams will continue to assess 和 learn from this event 和 will continue to be proactive in our communications as new information develops.


This record-breaking winter event contributed to dramatic increases in natural gas prices, 这是20多年来价格涨幅最大的一次. Extraordinary utility costs can occur when the dem和 for energy increases beyond reasonable available supplies. 因此, we have experienced significant commodity cost increases from suppliers due to extremely high dem和 和 natural gas production interruptions. 


We responded to this event with initial calls for large volume customer usage curtailments that began on February 12, 2021 和 extended throughout the duration of this record-breaking weather event to maintain the overall 和 ongoing reliability of our system.

My thermostat was at the same temperature it always is, why was my bill so much higher?

由于极端的温度, your furnace 和 other appliances had to run more frequently 和 for longer periods of time to keep the temperature in your home at your thermostat setting, 因此,比在温和的天气条件下使用更多的能量. 一般, 室内外温差越小, 整体供暖或制冷成本越低.


担心付不起账单的顾客被鼓励加入 预算帐单,这是一个免费的付款计划,平均每月支付的金额. This 预算 option supports customers looking to avoid the seasonal increases in bills that result during extreme weather by averaging out usage during the past year. 客户还可以寻求其他帮助选项,如 联合劝募协会211 才能获得紧急公用事业援助服务,比如 布莱克山关怀中心,浏览 我们网站上的援助计划页面.




当需求增长超过合理供应时,就会产生异常成本. 我们的天然气系统运行良好, but we have experienced significant commodity cost increases from our suppliers due to extremely high dem和 和 natural gas production interruptions.


No. The cost of a customer’s natural gas is passed on to our customers with no mark-ups. Our Gas Supply team continuously plans to prepare for abnormal dem和 和 price changes to help minimize the financial impact to our customers by implementing a portfolio of gas purchase options. The current arctic event has caused the largest natural gas price increases in the last twenty years.

(NE & WY) Choice Gas Customers will need to contact their suppliers to underst和 any impact to their natural gas commodity pricing.




Usage is the largest portion of our energy bills 和 weather is the biggest factor in increased usage. When temperatures are exceptionally low 和 usage increases dramatically across the country, 供求规律可以造成商品价格的暂时上涨. 我们的系统在有限的问题上表现良好, but also saw pricing increases in order to meet the increased dem和 of our customers 和 subsequent energy usage. Some areas witnessed two-to-three times the price of electricity than other areas of the country.

The Southwest Power Pool seemed to have some of the biggest issues 和 were implementing controlled interruptions across their service territory. 澳门银河官网网址公司和SPP有关系吗? 

澳门银河官网网址公司不是SPP的成员, 和, our electric customers did not experience the rolling blackouts that were implemented in many other states.



The easiest way for families to access emergency 协助ance funds is to call their state 211, 和 a representative will connect them with a utility 协助ance case worker in their area, 浏览我们的付款协助 节,澳门银河官网网址. 

澳门银河官网网址服务区域的客户有资格获得 布莱克山关怀中心 funds, a utility 协助ance program made possible by donations from fellow customers. 澳门银河官网网址基金会的捐款比例是100%.

预算帐单 是免费的吗, stable billing option offered by Black Hills Energy that makes bills more predictable by averaging the amount you pay each month to avoid spikes in your bill due to seasonal usage..
